SHC welcomes new office manager

Our team at Speers Health Clinics is pleased to welcome a new part-time office manager, Crystal Wollman to job share with Tanya Rylance. Crystal will be greeting our clients at the clinic and on the phone.

Welcome Crystal, and a big thank you to Tanya and Teresa Konshuh for your ongoing hard work, extra efforts and training!


Children & physiotherapy

Our friendly and skilled physiotherapists at Speers Health Clinics are trained to provide evidence-based treatments to clients of all ages. Often though, we forget that children can also benefit from the services provided by physiotherapists.

As described in the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s post, “Is Physiotherapy Right for My Child?“, some childhood conditions that could benefit from physiotherapy include: neurological conditions, hip dysplasia, development delays, and congenital issues.

If your child’s ever experienced a fracture, sprain, or strain, you know how badly they’re itching to get back to their regular activities. Physiotherapy can help the process of recovery and also strives to ensure that children won’t reinjure themselves!

A physiotherapist will assess your child’s condition in a fun and friendly way and let them know if physiotherapy is appropriate or recommend any other services that may be helpful!

To book an appointment with one of our experienced physiotherapists, contact us by email or call 403.556.9911.
