Low back pain is one of the most common injuries that we treat at Speers Health Clinics. Use the following steps to keep your active lifestyle pain-free.
1. Use proper posture
Maintain an upright posture through your lower back and shoulders. This will minimize the compression on your discs and help to strengthen the back muscles to support your spine.
2. Increase your core strength
It doesn’t take much to improve the strength and tone of the trunk muscles that will reduce the stress and strain on the spine. And it doesn’t mean you need to develop a flat “six-pack” abdomen. Work with one of our physiotherapists to develop simple exercises that you can do in a few short minutes each day.
3. Use proper biomechanics while bending and lifting
Always bend at your knees and squat down to pick things up, even light items. Your back was not designed to take the stresses of bending over forward and will eventually break down if lifting in this manner. Your legs, however, can handle the strain and will quickly develop the strength and stamina needed as you improve in your habits of lifting in the correct manner to protect your back.
4. Perform a regular stretching routine
Improving the flexibility in your hips and thighs will reduce the pull on your spine, making it easier to stand upright, sit upright, lift properly, squat, kneel, and simply move with less strain on your back.
5. Focus on diet and nutrition to maintain a healthy weight
Consult our registered dietician, Kristin Gammon, to be educated on diet and proper nutrition.
6. Remain active and exercise
Get regular low impact exercise such as walking, swimming, yoga, or stationary bike. Be sure to stretch before and after you exercise.