As anyone with neck pain can attest, it can be problematic, painful and quite uncomfortable from the time you wake up until the time you fall asleep at night, and even while you’re trying to sleep.
“If you are currently experiencing or have ever experienced neck pain in the past, you are not alone! 70 per cent of individuals have had neck pain at least once in their lifetime1. A cause of neck pain, most common among drivers, is generally identified as “whiplash.” If you’ve ever been in a car accident or been pushed forcefully from the front or back, it has most likely forced your head too far back and/or too far forward, causing neck pain.
Neck pain can have several causes, all of which impact the structures in your neck in different ways. Car accidents are commonly identified as the major cause of whiplash due to the great force associated with the crash.2 “
To read more, check out the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s post, “Whiplash: Prevention and recovery“, written by Mitchell Saklas.
Our physiotherapists at Speers Health Clinics can help by treating your neck pain or whiplash, and get you back to your active pain-free lifestyle. Contact our friendly staff by email or call 403.556.9911 to book an appointment with one of our skilled therapists.